Hey guys, First off I just want to say awesome site been very helpful.

Anyways, I'm currently running into a problem while trying to convert a command line argument to an int.

I'm running into a problem where I can't convert the data inside argv[1] to an int

example argv[1] = 21231
and it is grabbing the first data "2" representing it as an ascii code "50"

This converts to ascii (If I am correct its because its assigning a char to an int and thus takes it as an ASCII code)
int number = *(argv[1]);
This creates a runtime error
int number = atoi(*argv[1]);
TLDR: I'm trying to grab data from *argv[1] and convert it to an int

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
	//Grab data from Command line arguements
	int length = strlen(argv[1]);	
	int number = atoi(*argv[1]);
	int startBase = atoi(*argv[2]);
	int convertBase = atoi(*argv[3]);
	printf("Argument Amount: %d\n", argc-1);
	printf("Number to be converted: %d\n", number);
	printf("Base system %d\n", startBase);
	printf("Converting to base %d\n", convertBase);
	printf("Length %d\n", length);
	return 0;	
Thanks in advance